Monday, December 19, 2016

Ola Amigos

2016 is nearing the end and contrary to last post, I have actually been good last month.   I attended the lone star rally in Galveston, the annual vintage motocross show at Rio Bravo,  and I have worked on my Triumph MX crossover. 

Let's start with the Lone Star which has got to be the 3rd-4th largest rally in the US.  

This is THE rally to show goofy stuff, and baggers paradise....

Like this bike with Satellite receiver and TV.   Now, please explain to me why anyone would want this.  Bike are meant to be ridden.   Wanna watch TV ??? STAY HOME.

Anyway, still nice to hang out and look at nice little things, like this Indian
or that one.

Well.... or that one...
As I said, always something to look out, but not exactly what you might be looking for...

The following week was time for some vintage motocross at Rio Bravo for their yearly Vintage show and race.   With some nice beauties..

that's some serious stuff. 

But it was also time this month to do some work. 

I finally plug in by cabinet sand machine, and it works like a breeze. 

 So I got carry away cleaning engine parts.  See below before and after.  Back to life baby !!!!

I also painted the frame,

And started working on the engine, first the gear box

   Then ignition and oil pump

Then it was time to sand the upper case and put the valves in

and I started mounting everything back.
As I waited for my new Amal carb, I worked on the front fender which I chopped a bit.

It will give a better look, well, I think!!! too late now since I have not tried it.  Will see how things work out. 

And as I waited for my carb, I decided to work a bit on a tank I inherited with I bought the XS650 two years ago.   First I had to weld the loose gooseneck and then sand and prime it.

I will paint it some other days, just for fun..

Back to the Triumph the Amal carb had finally arrived, with electronic ignition.   I had also ordered a bigger concentric and new main jet to cope with the upgrade of power.   So I replace it and put in on the frame, with my Mum Christmas present a Siamese exhaust pipe.   I will have to chrome it out, trim it and weld it at a later stage but it does look good on the engine. 

I spent few more hours cleaning some parts and getting prep for the final mock up, but I think I will call it a day for 2016.